Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter Quarter ending!

Hello everyone!
I haven't been updating that often because this quarter is ending and I am trying to wrap up on all of my school work. This weekend I have to work on a PowerPoint presentation and a summary about it. Then I have to right three different essays and finally study for finals.
I just wanted to say that I have been reading a lot of blogs in between classes and I wanted to find some new blogs. So, if you have a blog leave me a comment with the web address so I can check it out.
See you guys in about 2 weeks or during my breaks (:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Directors, Bracelets, Library, Apps, & Thrift

Just by the title you can tell I have a lot to say...Let's start off with yesterday.
Wednesdays are usually my long days this quarter and so I didn't want to wake up yesterday morning, dreading the day to follow. I went to my first class and watched a film that was made in Mexico. Usually, I start dosing off whenever my professor starts playing a movie since it is an early class, but surprisingly I didn't dose off at all during the film. Once I got out of that class, I attended an Arts & Craft event where I made three bracelets, two of which we used ribbon and 8 washers to make, the last we just used yarn. (I will post a picture below of how I am stacking my bracelets on one arm.)
After the event I watched some YouTube videos and then decided to eat dinner, which I take from my house. Every Wednesday I take a big bowl of noodles (Souper Meal Picante Shrimp) and eat that for dinner. I had added all the ingredients except the finishing touch into the bowl and went to microwave it. I soon realized that I forgot to add water, but it was to late and I had burned my bowl of noodles and caused some people in the office (where the microwave is located) to laugh at me and cough because of all the smoke. I ended up apologizing, leaving, and telling myself that I wan't going to be able to go back to that office ever again. I ended up smelling like smoke the rest of the evening.
I went to my last class after an hour of wanting to take a shower, and wanting to eat a good meal, and just sitting in front of a TV astonished at what I had just done (I have been eating cup of noodles since I can remember, they are my favorite quick meal and it is so easy to make w/o mistakes, or so I thought). Anyways once I got to class I remembered who was coming to class as our guest speakers, none other than Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, the directors of Little Miss Sunshine and Ruby Sparks and so many other works (commercials and music videos). I enjoyed listening to their experiences in the industry and watching some things they did when they first started. I posted a picture on my instagram, but I will post it again here.
 Today I decided to go to the library because I need to watch "To Kill a Mockingbird" for an essay and since I don't have it I borrowed it from the library. I also borrowed a book I started reading last year, but didn't finish because of school (I really love this series: House of Night Series). I also looked at the books that were for sale and bought some, each book is .25 cents so I bought 10. I think I have the first two, (all the books are pictured below) but I wasn't sure.
Once I got out of the library I went to a thrift store that is in between the library and my house. I didn't get anything, but I found a nice faux fur coat that I tried on. It wasn't my size, but I took a picture on a dirty mirror to show you how it looked on. I also took a few pictures of the small thrift store so you can see what I was dealing with, it isn't my favorite thrift store, but it is close to my house.
And finally today I went on an app I have called app gratis where the creators share an app they love with you and you get it for free just for that day. I got it because I wanted to get Plants Vs. Zombies (a game) free, since it usually costs $2.99 or for the HD version $6.99, since the day I got my iPod, so I have been patiently waiting to see if they finally gave me my little wish.  Low and behold, they offered the $2.99 version of Plants vs. Zombies for free today, I mean that is a deal for one of the best games iTunes has to offer. So, GO GET IT NOW AND JUST TRY IT... IT'S FREE!
I am so ecstatic right now that I just can't type anymore, I will post pictures below and then off I go to play one of my favorite games for free (I am super duper giddy right now).

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Purses & Closet Space

This entire quarter I have been wanting to change my purse to a bigger purse I wore before, but the shoulder strap broke (the long one, it still has the two small handles) so I stopped using it. I have it stored in my garage, but I am truly thinking about using it again. Another reason that keeps me from using it is that it's a dressy type of bag, and I haven't been doing much of that (dressing up, I wear a lot of t-shirts and comfy pants).
During my break this morning, I went on Pinterest and found some nice ways to store my purses, but most of them won't work for me since my closet is very small. I might end up putting some purses under my bed or getting a nice container and placing them in there.
If you want to see my purse collection let me know; I was planning to do that tomorrow, but I need to place all the pictures I have in my iPod somewhere else because I don't have anymore storage left.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Almost Clean.

I decided to clean my closet today, which I did, although I didn't organize the clothes and purses I keep in there just yet.
I decided to take clothes that I know I don't use out and place them in the garage. I mostly took out pants that I don't use and some sweaters. This Thursday or Friday I might take out shirts that I don't wear and place those in the garage. Also, I will organize the clothes so that I can easily find what I need.
I need to find a way to organize my purses, if you have a creative idea about organizing purses please let me know.
The first picture (below) is a before shot, notice all the clothes I tended to throw in there. The after picture is a little cleaner although the purses still make it look dirty.

Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day

So my day went a little something like this...
I woke up and gave my dog his medicine. He has a big heart, literally, he's old and has arthritis among other things. After a while I got dressed and ate breakfast. I went to school sometime after 11am.
I had a midterm so once I got into my class I studied until the professor got there. It was hard to study at one point because people around me started to talk. I felt like I did well, but you never know. Even though many professors allow you to leave once you finish your midterm, our professor let us have a little break before coming back to class. During my break I read some blogs that I follow using an offline rss app because the classroom we use doesn't have wifi signal for some reason. Also, I noticed that my Facebook app was doing something weird (note the picture below, let me know if you have ever experienced this before).
After the break we began watching "An American Beauty" which we will keep watching the next time our class meets. Then everyone in our class picked out a film to watch for our term paper from a long list of movies, I got "To Kill a Mockingbird". I have never seen or read it before so it will be my first time watching the story. For some reason I also want to watch "The hand that rocks the cradle", I haven't seen that movie since I was much younger. once I got out of that class, I came home.
I ate dinner because I was famished and then my sister lend me her laptop. I caught up on some YouTube subscriptions and then turned it off and took a shower.
Since I don't have class until tomorrow afternoon, I am probably going to stay up and read some e-books I downloaded for free, I couldn't help myself I really wanted to do some leisurely reading.

Friday, February 15, 2013


When I'm in school I don't read books that aren't assigned for a certain class because I want to put all my attention on my schoolwork, but I am in the mood of going to the library and getting a stack of books that are on my to-read list.
I'm holding out until Spring break, but here are a few of the books I want to read...
-The second and third books of the Hunger Games .
-The second and third of 50 Shades of Grey.
(My friend got me the first book of both of the series I just mentioned for my birthday, which I read during Winter break. I want to finish reading the trilogies since I did already commit to reading them.)
-The last three or four books of The House of Night novels. (Same friend got me hooked on this series when I was in high school.)
There are many others, but I can't remember at the moment. I have the list in my Goodreads account, which is a pretty resourceful website, if you enjoy books like myself.

Let me know what is on your to-read list, or what you are currently reading. Any recommendations?


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all well and enjoying this day with your loved ones.
I don't have school until Monday which means I can stay home and relax for a bit. I have a midterm on Monday so I have enough time to prepare for that.
This weekend I am going to be taking care of my nephews since my sister and her husband are going to be celebrating their 10year anniversary. Which means I am going to be playing a lot of games and just enjoying some time with them.
Let me know what you did/are doing for Valentine's day and what you're doing this weekend (some people have Monday off because of Presidents' Day).

Friday, February 8, 2013


Hello Everyone!
I'm sorry for not posting...after my last post I made a video and was planning to post it, but the app I use to blog doesn't allow me to upload videos. I decided to wait until I had a computer that I could use to edit it and then upload it as well.
Between now and the last time I posted not much has happened. For one, I got sick and am still sick so I'm trying to get over that.The internet in my house has been very slow so it's hard to use the internet. Finally, midterms are this coming week so I am trying to study for that and catch up on things that I've missed.
I am going to try to post more often now, but don't hold me to it just yet, as I said internet has been unmanageable lately. Also, I have late classes some days so I tended to forget and I didn't have a clue on what to write about since I have done nothing, but sleep, go to school and hate the internet lol (6 minute videos take about 45 minutes to load, that's how bad it is).
If I don't write that much this week (due to midterms) you can check the websites below for updates...

Instagram: @friendlvr
I am doing the February picture challenge so, I upload at least one picture each day.

Keek: @friendlvr
36 second clips that I tend to upload every once in a while.
