Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Book Review #3: Inside the O'Briens

Inside the O'Briens is a book about a man, Joe O'Brien, who is diagnosed with Hungtingtons Disease. The story follows him and his family as they all have to deal with the diagnosis and figuring out if any of his children and grandchildren have the DNA that might carry the disease.

This is a gripping story that will leave you wanting more even after having read it. We learn about a family and a disease that is genetic and has no cure. This family of four grown up children has to find out who will and will not have the disease later on in life. We learn the fate of two of the children early on and throughout the rest of the book we are left wondering the fate of Patrick and Kate (the oldest and youngest children). 
It left me wanting to know Patrick's status (I think he has it)...
We spent all this time with Katy and at the end we didn't get the answer (I think she's safe)...

I gave this book a 5/5 because I learned a lot about a disorder I wouldn't have looked into otherwise, in a format that didn't feel like pages of information. This book was different from anything I've ever read just because of the HD facts that made me look at life in a different way.

I love that the book was split into three parts (an example of HD having 3 different stages). 
The first section of the book started off dull, but the last few chapters (of section 1) when the family learned about Joe's diagnosis was sad and made me intrigued to keep reading.
Katie was a great character and I enjoyed the second part because of her story. I related to her since I'm also the youngest in my family and I don't know how I would react if I had to choose to know about my fate and live with the diagnosis.
By the third section of the book I was part of this family's world and I was just hoping for the best.
Even though we don't see the end of any of the characters we catch a glimpse of what that will look like with all of the references to Joe's mother. 
All in all, it's a great book and it shows you that everyone is battling something and unless you know their story, you shouldn't really judge them.

The book is out now, so go grab a copy. It's a great read for those of you who like to learn new things through unexpected storytelling. 

*I recieved a digital copy of the book through NetGalley for review. I am not sponsored by anyone and all opinions are my own.*

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