Thursday, May 10, 2018

Entry No. 2031 and so on

I'm going to stop with the catch ups every time I stop posting. It's always "I haven't written in so long because I've been busy", I'm not lying about that, but it's sort of a given, right? I stop writing because I have nothing to write about or because I have no time. Also, it's intimidating to have to write a post saying "sorry, but I'm back now" again and again. I'm always at work and when I'm home I just want to relax. Not that this isn't relaxing to me, but it is time consuming. Turning on a laptop, exporting/importing pictures, editing my jumbled up thoughts, etc.. But I guess that I'm just going to come here and write, not worry about the length of time since the last update like every other time. 
I plan on starting off with weekly reviews of what I've been up to along side some pictures, to remind me of events as well. Hopefully throwing in a few pictures will keep me from being to boring since my weeks are very bland.
There are also book reviews which I plan on writing so that my readers can get a glimpse of what I've been reading (since I read on my down time) and pick up the book on release dates. I want to get back into read-a-thons so I can hopefully participate in one a few times a month and use my blog as an updating platform. 
Anyways I'll be around so come back here for more random updates from me. 

Extra Special Update to this Update: I wrote this down over a month ago and I couldn't bring myself to type it out and now that I did my app wouldn't let me publish the post so....🙇🏻


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