Similar to last week this read-a-thon has five challenges two of which I personally changed to fit my goals since I am reading by myself. I will talk about the first two which have remained the same and then the two I changed.
Read a book with pictures in it.
Read a book just because.
I decided to read Memoirs of a Geisha because I have yet to finish it. I also decided to take a picture of myself with crazy hair and upload it here for all to see. (:
Buddy read a book with your buddy.
Changed to:
Read the sequel to a series you've started.
I will be reading Zoe Sugg's Girl Online: On Tour which I totally forgot about because I read the first book at the beginning of last year. The third book comes out in November so it's the perfect time to pick it up.
Read a book that's title starts with the first letter of your buddy's name.
Changed to:
Start a new series.
I couldn't figure out what book to pick when I went to the library and then noticed these three books and remembered that a lot of BookTubers I watch had talked highly of it so I decided to pick them up.
Read 5 books.
So if you've counted then you will notice that based on my picks I already have 6 books picked out, but I plan to read the new series towards the end of this read-a-thon meaning I'm only planning to read the first book this week. So the last book I chose to read is Behind every mean girl...there's a tragedy because I started it and totally forgot about it.
Monday October 24
I had the whole day to read The Monstrous today, I ended up reading 133 pages. In between reading I went to the library with my brother in order to look for books for this read-a-thon. We spent almost two hours there because my brother was playing Pokemon Go, the only reason he decided to go with me. It gave me enough time to look around and see if anything caught my attention or if there were physical copies of the Ebooks I am waiting to read.
Tuesday October 25
Today I read the last 51 pages of The Monstrous. Then for the rest of the afternoon I read 97 pages of Memoirs of a Geisha. So in total I read 148 pages.
Wednesday October 26
Before heading into work I read 22 pages of Memoirs of a Geisha. After work I read 10 pages of Behind every mean girl...there's a tragedy (whose title I am not a fan of b/c length). So, in total I read 32 pages today, typically for a work day.
Thursday October 27
Before work I read Memoirs of a Geisha and while I was riding the train I read it too so I got to read 33 pages. Then while at work I got to read 9 pages of Behind every mean girl. So in total I read 42 pages.
Friday October 28
I didn't have to go into work today so I started my morning off by reading the last 20 pages of Memoirs of a Geisha. I then went on to read Behind every mean girl...there's a tragedy and read the remaining 118 pages. So I read 138 pages in total today. I was planning to start a new book in the evening, but that just didn't happen.
So, for this read-a-thon I completed only two challenges, and only read 3 books out of the 5 I planned on reading. Which is actually fine wi me because now I can start fresh with my new book series and not have other books waiting to be picked up again. There will be more read-a-thins in November so stay tuned for those.