Wednesday, August 31, 2016

RYBSAT ROUND 9 Daily Updates

Wednesday August 31
I started reading Maybe Someday by Collen Hoover early in the morning and did not want to put it down at all, until I finally had to. I just downloaded it onto my phone so I can try to finish it tomorrow at work. I read 240 pages today of that same book. Agh I don't want it to end.

Thursday September 1
I finished reading Maybe Someday, it was so good I had to give myself a few hours before reading anything else. I only read one story from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys today, which reminded me of  I know what you did last summer. In total I read 65 pages this afternoon. 
***listen to Maybe Someday soundtrack along with the book, it is so good... the feels!!! Just make sure you don't listen to songs ahead of time because...Spoilers.***

Friday September 2
I totally forgot that this is a holiday weekend, well not totally, but yeah I forgot that my family would all be home. So, I didn't really read much I started reading one of the stories from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys before walking into work and I only now got to finish it. The story was 18 pages long, it was about zombies and it was sort of funny. I don't know if I'll read much this weekend, but I'm glad I have this book to read because of all the short stories I can complete throughout my day. 

Saturday September 3
It seems like this whole weekend is going to be one story a day from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys. Today's story was 26 pages and reminded me of Psycho, but with a just ending. 

Sunday September 4
For some weird reason I read more on days that I work longer than on shorter work days, maybe because I have a longer break time and I don't feel rushed. The first two stories I read before going to work one of the stories was M similar to an old movie because of the blind justice (pun intended) and the fact that a blind person solves the murder while everyone who sees can't even figure it out. The one after that was pretty dumb and I actually forgot about it. And the last one that I read at work since I got there early was a three person POV that was pretty good and reminded me of something I can't really remember what though. 

Monday September 5
It's my brother's birthday today so I felt like I wouldn't read at all, but there are two stories left in Slasher Girls and Monster Boys so I can get through it before the read-a-thon ends. I only got to read one story in the morning and a bit of the last story at work. In total I just read 22 pages, but I can finish it in the morning.

Tuesday September 6
I finished the last 7 pages of Slasher Girls and Monster boys. I started reading Finale, but kept getting distracted, it took me a while to get into it. After a few hours I decided to hang out with my brother for a while since he bought a few new games yesterday, one of which was Street Fighters which I haven't played since I was little, it was so much fun. I had to stop playing because I started to get sick so I came back to my room and watched Friends with my sister until I couldn't take the pain anymore and decided to take some medicine, get a back rub from my sister, and take a hot shower among other helpful things I do when I get sick. I laid in bed for an hour trying to recover and watched a few YouTube videos before the hour was over I felt much better. So sometime after 10 I decided to keep reading a bit of the book and am just now going to stop reading because I have chores to do early tomorrow morning. I ended up reading 113 pages of Finale so in total I read 120 pages from the two books.

Wednesday September 7
Today I read 99 pages of Finale which means I only have around 9 chapters left of the book. I thought I was going to finish it today, but I hung out with my brother again so I didn't read for a whole afternoon. Although the read-a-thon is ending in a few hours I can read the book whenever I have time and so it won't be so tedious.

During this week long read-a-thon I finished two books, Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover and Slasher Girls and Monster Boys. I also started reading the last book in the Hush, Hush trilogy titled Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick. I am currently reading said book and plan on finishing it by tonight, I only have a few pages left. 

I don't plan on participating in any more read-a-thons until I think October, but if any come up that sound appealing I will be doing more posts like these since they are actually an easy way of sharing my reading process and daily life. 

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