Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Read Your Bookshelf A Thon (RYBSAT) is the next read-a-thon that I am participating in starting tomorrow Wednesday August 31 thru Wednesday September 7. In this read-a-thon you must pick a spot in your bookshelf to start reading and read that book and the books that come afterwards. Since I don't really have a bookshelf where I keep my books I am planing to read my eBooks. I have a few books on my library app that I want to read before having to return them. So here are the books I have on my library bookshelf that I am planning to read during this round of RYBSAT.

First off is the book I didn't complete in the last read-a-thon which is Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by a collection of authors.
It is supposed to be a collection of scary stories written by different authors and collected into one book. So far I have been liking the stories in the book none of the stories have been scary, but they can get weird at times or just turn out to be an awfully good romance story.

The next book is Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover, which I heard a lot of from a few BookTubers I am subscribed to.
Although a lot of those BookTubers bring this book up plenty of times I am going into this book blind and am only guessing that this is a young adult romance novel.

And the final book on my virtual bookshelf is Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick which is the last book in the Hush,Hush series.

This book has been on my bookshelf plenty of times, but I have been putting it off because it isn't the greatest book on my to be read pile. I wasn't in love with the characters or the writing, but I have come this far and its time for me to get over with it. Hopefully, I can be done with it and move on to a better series of books.

If by some miracle I finish reading all three of these books (which I highly doubt) before the week is over I will continue reading Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden which is another book that I just can't seem to finish.

Once again when the read-a-thon ends I plan on posting a wrap-up of what I read each day during the read-a-thon the day after it ends so expect that next Thursday September 8th.

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