Wednesday, August 31, 2016

RYBSAT ROUND 9 Daily Updates

Wednesday August 31
I started reading Maybe Someday by Collen Hoover early in the morning and did not want to put it down at all, until I finally had to. I just downloaded it onto my phone so I can try to finish it tomorrow at work. I read 240 pages today of that same book. Agh I don't want it to end.

Thursday September 1
I finished reading Maybe Someday, it was so good I had to give myself a few hours before reading anything else. I only read one story from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys today, which reminded me of  I know what you did last summer. In total I read 65 pages this afternoon. 
***listen to Maybe Someday soundtrack along with the book, it is so good... the feels!!! Just make sure you don't listen to songs ahead of time because...Spoilers.***

Friday September 2
I totally forgot that this is a holiday weekend, well not totally, but yeah I forgot that my family would all be home. So, I didn't really read much I started reading one of the stories from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys before walking into work and I only now got to finish it. The story was 18 pages long, it was about zombies and it was sort of funny. I don't know if I'll read much this weekend, but I'm glad I have this book to read because of all the short stories I can complete throughout my day. 

Saturday September 3
It seems like this whole weekend is going to be one story a day from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys. Today's story was 26 pages and reminded me of Psycho, but with a just ending. 

Sunday September 4
For some weird reason I read more on days that I work longer than on shorter work days, maybe because I have a longer break time and I don't feel rushed. The first two stories I read before going to work one of the stories was M similar to an old movie because of the blind justice (pun intended) and the fact that a blind person solves the murder while everyone who sees can't even figure it out. The one after that was pretty dumb and I actually forgot about it. And the last one that I read at work since I got there early was a three person POV that was pretty good and reminded me of something I can't really remember what though. 

Monday September 5
It's my brother's birthday today so I felt like I wouldn't read at all, but there are two stories left in Slasher Girls and Monster Boys so I can get through it before the read-a-thon ends. I only got to read one story in the morning and a bit of the last story at work. In total I just read 22 pages, but I can finish it in the morning.

Tuesday September 6
I finished the last 7 pages of Slasher Girls and Monster boys. I started reading Finale, but kept getting distracted, it took me a while to get into it. After a few hours I decided to hang out with my brother for a while since he bought a few new games yesterday, one of which was Street Fighters which I haven't played since I was little, it was so much fun. I had to stop playing because I started to get sick so I came back to my room and watched Friends with my sister until I couldn't take the pain anymore and decided to take some medicine, get a back rub from my sister, and take a hot shower among other helpful things I do when I get sick. I laid in bed for an hour trying to recover and watched a few YouTube videos before the hour was over I felt much better. So sometime after 10 I decided to keep reading a bit of the book and am just now going to stop reading because I have chores to do early tomorrow morning. I ended up reading 113 pages of Finale so in total I read 120 pages from the two books.

Wednesday September 7
Today I read 99 pages of Finale which means I only have around 9 chapters left of the book. I thought I was going to finish it today, but I hung out with my brother again so I didn't read for a whole afternoon. Although the read-a-thon is ending in a few hours I can read the book whenever I have time and so it won't be so tedious.

During this week long read-a-thon I finished two books, Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover and Slasher Girls and Monster Boys. I also started reading the last book in the Hush, Hush trilogy titled Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick. I am currently reading said book and plan on finishing it by tonight, I only have a few pages left. 

I don't plan on participating in any more read-a-thons until I think October, but if any come up that sound appealing I will be doing more posts like these since they are actually an easy way of sharing my reading process and daily life. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Read Your Bookshelf A Thon (RYBSAT) is the next read-a-thon that I am participating in starting tomorrow Wednesday August 31 thru Wednesday September 7. In this read-a-thon you must pick a spot in your bookshelf to start reading and read that book and the books that come afterwards. Since I don't really have a bookshelf where I keep my books I am planing to read my eBooks. I have a few books on my library app that I want to read before having to return them. So here are the books I have on my library bookshelf that I am planning to read during this round of RYBSAT.

First off is the book I didn't complete in the last read-a-thon which is Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by a collection of authors.
It is supposed to be a collection of scary stories written by different authors and collected into one book. So far I have been liking the stories in the book none of the stories have been scary, but they can get weird at times or just turn out to be an awfully good romance story.

The next book is Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover, which I heard a lot of from a few BookTubers I am subscribed to.
Although a lot of those BookTubers bring this book up plenty of times I am going into this book blind and am only guessing that this is a young adult romance novel.

And the final book on my virtual bookshelf is Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick which is the last book in the Hush,Hush series.

This book has been on my bookshelf plenty of times, but I have been putting it off because it isn't the greatest book on my to be read pile. I wasn't in love with the characters or the writing, but I have come this far and its time for me to get over with it. Hopefully, I can be done with it and move on to a better series of books.

If by some miracle I finish reading all three of these books (which I highly doubt) before the week is over I will continue reading Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden which is another book that I just can't seem to finish.

Once again when the read-a-thon ends I plan on posting a wrap-up of what I read each day during the read-a-thon the day after it ends so expect that next Thursday September 8th.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

BoutofBooks17 Progress

Monday August 22 
The worst day to possibly start a Readathon, at least for me. I got called into work an hour earlier than I had planned so I didn't read in the morning. I worked all day and the two hours I had left of my day I decided to relax with a few videos. Luckily this week Monday is actually my Friday so I have two whole days to read. 

Tuesday August 23
My first day off meant reading time. I started off by reading memoirs of a geisha, it was a hot day and for some reason I wasn't hooked on reading this book so after coming back from errands with my brother I started reading Tex. At the end of the day I read 30 pages from Memoirs and 5 chapters from Tex. By the way my app still doesn't work well so I'm reading Tex from my internet safari instead of the actual app. I don't know how many pages I read because the book doesn't have page numbers so I'm going to be talking about chapters finished instead for Tex. I am currently on Chapter 9. 

Wednesday August 24
I know Tex is a small book so I knew I would finish it today, I only had four chapters left. I finished it during a sprint with Riley @rmfickfack and Jeanne @SuchaBookaholic on Twitter, which felt so nice since I was starting to feel like not a lot of people were participating or at least posting about it on Twitter. After looking through the #boutofbooks I realized I had to switch between All Tweets rather than Top Tweets which only showed a few tweets from the prior days; there are so many people participating who I hadn't noticed beforehand. Then I continued reading Memoirs of a Geisha for a few hours, I ended up reading 62 pages.

Thursday August 25
Basically my Monday which meant I worked, got home and only got to read a few pages. I decided to start reading Slasher Girls and Monster Boys since it's a collection of stories, but I didn't even finish the first story. I only read 23 pages which is fine because tomorrow morning I can read before going to work.

Friday August 26
I had the morning to myself which means I got to read for a bit. I finished reading the first story in Slasher Girls and Monster Boys and then read the next two stories. The stories aren't scary, but so far the second story in this book was the best/creepiest. I ended up reading 41 pages before having to get ready to go to work. During my lunch break I started to read another story, I finished it once I got home. In total I read 65 pages today which isn't bad for a work day.

Saturday August 27
Once again I had the morning off so I got to read one story from Slasher Girls and Monster Boys, a good story about death that reminds me of a joke I learned as a child. Hopefully I can read another one during my break at work again. Weekends are usually harder days to read because of all the noise and people at home, and weekends are busy at work as well. I only got to read around four pages when I was on my break at work. Pages read today were 25.

Sunday August 28
Hopefully I can finish reading Danielle Page's story on Slasher Girls and Monster Boys before work. It sound good so far, but I'm waiting for that ending to see if I'm actually happy with what she's written. I went to the market in the morning and I only had a few minutes before heading to work so I tried reading a bit. Once I was at work I actually got to finish Danielle Paige's story and only her story so I only read around 15 pages today. I like Danielle's writing, but I was hesitant about how she finishes her stories, overall I fell in love with her characters. 

To wrap this all up I finished one book, Tex by S.E. Hinton, and I read and almost completed two books, Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden and Slasher Girls and Monster Boys. This read-a-thon was great because I didn't expect to finish any books and I got to read more books than I usually would on a workday. Luckily I will be participating in another read-a-thon very soon so I might just finish the other two books soon, but more on that tomorrow. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Bout of Books 17

Bout of Books

I've participated in many read-a-thons and many of which I posted videos of on my YouTube channel, but this time I thought I would post about it here. The next read-a-thon that I will be participating in is Bout of Books 17 which is a week long read-a-thon. This round will be taking place from August 22nd @ 12 am through August 28th. It doesn't matter where you live the time zone is based on YOUR location. Since I will be working 5 out of the 7 days of the read-a-thon I don't plan on finishing any books, but I have a few I want to start or continue reading.

The first book has been on my to be read list for a long time and I started reading it a few months ago during a different read-a-thon. I want to use this read-a-thon to actually finish it or at least try.

The next book I started reading in high school and never got to finish. I recently downloaded it onto my phone using a library app and am having trouble with the app. Hopefully I can turn the page on the app and finally go ahead and finish this book. It's currently stuck on the cover page so all i can see is this...

The last book is a book I heard about on BookTube, it is of course a "horror" book. A few authors came together to write this book and I'm curious to see if it's anything like the Scary Stories trilogy by Alvin Shwartz which I loved as a kid.

I'll be updating how I do on my twitter account throughout the week and once the read-a-thon ends I will be back here to let you know which books I read (if any).

Saturday, August 6, 2016


I think I've gone too long without updating this blog and it's time I stop procrastinating and get back to it. I have been working these past few months and haven't had enough time for myself and for my favorite things like writing on this blog. After Halloween I was burnt out and had no idea were to go from there and what to write about because my life is very boring, at the moment I do nothing but work. But recently I received a few things to review from influenser and decided I can start from there.

The first box I received was a box which contained a new product from the creators of Vicks NyQuil that product being ZzzQuil. I wanted to try it out because the weeks prior to receiving it I had been working at hours that were beginning to wear me down. I got my birthday off so the night before I took the two capsules that came in my box. The product had a few points that I wanted to address in order to see how correct the product is to its statements.

The card that came along with the capsules had these few points written about the product...
  • Helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes
  • Sleep Soundlessly. Wake Refreshed.
  • Not for Pain. Just for Sleep.
  • Non-habit forming
  • Ensure time to get a sufficient night's sleep (7-8 hours)

I take showers at night before going to sleep which usually takes me 20 minutes so I decided to take my capsules before going into the shower in order to see if they made me feel sleepy or had any noticeable effects. I didn't feel any different and was not sleepy when I got out. I laid down after my shower and it took me a few minutes to actually fall asleep.

I can say that this is true I slept through the night even though it was very hot and usually that keeps me up. I woke up earlier than usual and I didn't feel like going back to sleep like other days. I actually woke up and felt like I had slept and didn't need five extra minutes before waking up. The entire week that followed I actually felt exactly the same way when waking up, I don't know if it was because of that one good night's sleep or because I got used to my schedule. 

Because of my bad sleeping schedule and the change of weather I was starting to get sick (sore throat) and when I woke up the next day I still felt sick. So yes this did not cure my sore throat, but I already knew that it wouldn't going in. 

I am not the type of person that gets addicted to things like coffee and such, so I wasn't scared of getting addicted to taking a sleep-aid. I only took it once and had no desire to take more, it is good to know that if I need help sleeping this product can help me, but I won't be buying it any time soon. I have people in my family who I think this can help though since they too have trouble sleeping.

I can't recall what time specially I went to sleep and then woke up when I took this, but it was some time after 11pm and then woke the next day before 8am. So, yes it did help me fall asleep the recommended hours in order to get a good nights sleep.

I truly think this product works as many of the other Vicks products do for me. I have never had a problem when taking any of the other medication from this company and I am proud to say that this is another medication I can now rely on if necessary.

Let me know if you have tried this or will try this any time soon and let me know some reasons why you can't fall asleep at night whether it be stress, the heat. or noisy neighbors (which are all my reasons as to why I lose sleep)... but please do let me know what keeps you up at night?

***I received #ZzzQuil for testing purposes from @Influenster and @ZzzQuil I #gotitfree this is not a #ad that I am being paid for, I am just a part of the #SleepLovers.***