Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Campus OOTD

So today I only had one class and before coming to school I was working on an assignment that was due today (queen of procrastination here) so I just wanted to wear something comfortable... This is what I came up with...
I was going to do a side braid, but it wouldn't stick so I just made a side bun with some hair twisted at the front to keep it out of the way.
It's been a long time since I wore this shirt, which I used to use as a pajama top because it is long and very comfortable. I love how soft, and thin and cute it looks with any pair of bottoms.
Speaking of bottoms...this is what the bottom half of my body looks liked today.
This is the only jewelry that I am wearing today (in fact I never take these bracelets off anymore: I just got the black one this weekend). 

I hope all of you are having a great day today/this week.

P.s. I'm sitting under the sun at a bus stop writing this so I'm sorry if there are a large amount of spelling errors, I can't really see my iPod's screen. 

P.P. S. About 10 more minutes before my bus arrives. Actually, this might get posted a few minutes after getting home because I don't have WiFi at the moment.  :/

P.p.p.s. It's been a very long time since I wrote a letter and added P. S. at the bottom, it's quite fun.

Bye bye for now (:

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