Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blogmas Day 11: Best Day Ever

I just came back from my last final this year and boy am I happy. Today I got to hang out at my brother's house which I haven't done in a while. I studied while he played video games and then I came back home to study some more. I headed to school and took a 26 multiple choice exam which was fast and to the point. 
Now I can catch up on all my YouTube subscriptions since I stopped watching them in order to keep myself from procrastinating or being distracted. I'm going to do so many small things like make my planner for next year, make some beanies, watch a few movies and catch up on TV shows, and play games. Also, I can just lay under the covers and relax without worrying about something I have to write or read.
And if any of you still has to work or study or do something during the cold here is a little something to make you smile...

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