Saturday, December 13, 2014

2014 Blogmas (Day 13): Busy Day

I'm sorry that this post is going up so late, but it's been such a busy day that I barely had time to sit down and write. I actually started writing (the draft didn't download onto my blogger app), but had to stop to feed my nephew and unfortunately my iPad doesn't want to connect to the internet anymore so hopefully I get this up before 12am (or you'll be getting two posts on Sunday). So here is a quick summary of what I did today...
Went to McDonalds with my sister and got ourselves a breakfast platter. Ate it back at home while watching an episode of Jerry Signfield's comedians in cars show. Once we finished we went out to buy presents for the three guys in our house, my dad and two brothers. We went to Walmart as well and bought some things for my grandma and aunts. We then got home and went back out to get lunch/dinner for everyone. While eating my nephews came over. It was already a bit past 3pm so I asked them if they wanted to go to the rummage sale at the library and they agreed to go, we went and got a lot of books along with a free sweater and an apron. We then got back home since the rummage sale ended at 4pm. As soon as we got home my dad invited my sister and I to go to a Kmart a few miles away to go buy the TV/DVD combo set we had seen this week. We got home just in time to round everyone up in order to go to church. Once we came back I helped my dad set up the TV because he wants to try it out while we are still here. I then went to my brother's house to hangout with my nephews and film the second half of my haul which I will upload tomorrow. My nephew also helped me take pictures of my outfit since I wore one of my new shirts today.
My mom made me this circle scarf and I am in love with it. I'm wearing my avenue leggings, long sleeve stripped baseball T, green anorak, and my trusty old Converse.
Oh and my purse which has come in handy.

I then edited my video and tried to upload it, but the internet is acting up so hopefully it will be up tomorrow. After feeding my nephew I tucked him and his brother into bed with three blankets since it's going to be a cold night. And finally I came home and took a shower before laying under my covers and writing all this down. 

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